
Showing posts from February, 2019

My Brown Eyed Man

his brown eyes with a hint of night they melt right through to my core warm me from my toes and give me life those gorgeous brown eyes feed my love the twinkle they get is stuck in my mind my brown eyed man the love of my life.

Oh, I Love

oh, how i love the things you do the way you talk the way you move the words you say  and the tone you say in only add to my love for you.

Single Flower

i turned on my side and i thought i smelled you i opened my eyes as i came to you were not here but what did i smell flower for me, i couldn't tell i looked at the card, the signature had said, forever and always, my love you will be you were gone, but here your heart rests in my hand i'll love you forever, and always you'll be the love of my live, my eternity.

Lover Please Stay

my thoughts manifestations of worry and doubt my actions an attempt to prevent disaster my love undying like the oceans tide please stay, lover like the skin on my bones like the air surrounding us with life like the sensations beneath my fingertips as i caress your skin please stay, lover stay despite my flaws.