
Showing posts from March, 2019


his tender hands which touch me tingles slip down my spine his kisses upon my bare skin goose bumps forming his brown eyes which look through me into the depths of my soul his hair which i stroke brings feelings which i have forgot his love which fills me brings me joy in this dark place.

You're It

you're it. you're the first step to the rest of my life but it's not a typical step i'm not going to step on you and pass you and never look back i'm bringing the step with me you're the breath of oxygen i need right before i go underwater and you're the one that pulls me up if i drown you're the stone foundation i'm meant to grow around and build myself from you're the new chapter but the best one in the book your'e it. you're the moon and all of her stars as they light up the night but you're also the sun encouraging everything in your reach to flourish and thrive i finally understand the love songs why they were written the force behind those words how wonderful life is, now you're in the world you're it. i love you and want you to be the one i end my days with i had already thought that but now i have no doubts in my mind this is it. you're it. you're the prince coming to rescue the...


i love you anywhere i love you everywhere i love you here i love you there i love you up i love you down i love you all the way around i love you here i love you now hugs and kisses from head to toe please never leave because i love you so unconditional.

He Loves Me

his gentle kisses gentle and sweet from my lips to my feet his tender love loves me sweet his eyes glimmer that sweet old gleam and i know exactly what it means HE loves me he loves ME he LOVES me.